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Introducing the HealthPathways Provider Directory

Published on 03 Sep, 2015 | Return|

In this video, Ian Anderson, (CEO, Streamliners) introduces the HealthPathways Provider Directory to the Community.

The HealthPathways Provider Directory is a significant new addition to the HealthPathways suite of tools. It will enable local HealthPathways teams to directly create and maintain service provider information that appears in HealthPathways.

The first release of HealthPathways Provider Directory by the end of 2015 will enable local HealthPathways teams to:

  • maintain service providers’ information
  • search and export the provider list
  • control the provider details that appear in HealthPathways request pages

Further releases of the HealthPathways Provider Directory will include the ability to draw through and append provider data maintained in external directories (where the owners of those directories provide APIs) and, ultimately, to allow external directories to draw through provider data maintained in DOT.

For more information, download the HealthPathways Provider Directory Overview (registration/log-in required).

If you have any questions, please email Matt Sinclair (matthew@streamliners.co.nz).